Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Doing math

Howdy from the land of gusty north winds and empty Crown bottles!

The year is nearly gone.

For the past 4 weeks I have been doing the math and resting my joints--mostly my knees.I have not worried about what I am eating nor how many calories I'm burning.I have however been doing the math, evidently.

I must have been doing some math because I stayed the same weight for a month so I feel like I have made some adjustments over the past two years that have STUCK.Now , I am not at the end of my journey but I am much closer than when I started.

Anyway, I have done the math and the rest of this year I will be spreading my active calorie burning out between walking, riding my bike and some BWEs as to keep my knees from dragging me down the well again.

I am also trying some supplements from Wilderness Athlete to see how I feel.
I just love a Science Project!

Come on and join me as we coast on in to Christmas and see what Santy brings us!

Pearl of Wisdom from the Mind of WEL
Going to church does not make you a Christian any more than standing in the garage makes you a car.

1 comment:

  1. What? I'm not a Chevy? :) Thanks Bill for the plain spoken advice as usual!

    By the way moving less and not gaining is a win in my book!
