Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Howdy from the land of scattered cow turds and sprouting seennie beans!

I finally had a good weekend! It seems like a long time since I meshed good calorie burning and good eating habits together over the weekend. This one I did, FINALLY!We stayed busy with yard work Saturday and I worked pretty steady on Sunday dragging down the cow turds to keep the horn fly population down. All in all, , a mighty fine weekend.I ate well both days and woke up Monday morning hungry and not bloated.

I knew if I just kept putting one foot in front of the other, I would find the right path again and continue my journey.I believe I found it.

Pearl of Wisdom from the Mind of WEL
Everyone in this country should thank a cowman---no one ever says "Honey let's go out and celebrate with a big ol chicken breast"---nope--- It's , "let's go get a steak!"


  1. That's great Bill; keep it going my friend!!!

  2. How you eat will make all the difference, in my opinion, as to whether or not you succeed.

    It made all the difference for me :-)

  3. PS For Muata: Are you familiar with Joe Rollino?

    If not Google him. You will be amazed!

    I tried to go to your blog :-)

  4. Muata, thanks, one step, two step!

    Dr.J I think you are mighty right.

  5. Muata, thanks, one step, two step!

    Dr.J I think you are mighty right.


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