Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I can influence?

Howdy from the land of late night cat fights and mad barking dogs!

At 2:20 this morning , I could have choked a couple of cats if I was quick enough to get my hands on them. I would have turned them yappin dogs out to run them off, but a couple of the damn things won't come back when ya call them.

Last week, when I was doing my Full Pak Trac a guy that jogs most days went to his car and came back wearing a weighted vest. When I caught up with him (a rare thing for me) and asked how long he had been using the vest. He told me that was the second day. He went on to say he had seen how much my vest had helped me and decided to give it a try.

Now this fellow is not fat , not even close, but he said he needed to get stronger and thought it would be good to use the vest while he walks. He asked me lots of questions and I tried not to sound like a pro (Cause I ain't)and more like---"well this is what I did and what worked for me".Anyway, we walked nearly a whole lap (1 mile) and he said he was having a hard time keeping up with me----what a thrill!!He said in some of his conversations with folks, I have been the talking point. Well, I told him I hope they did not get down on me too bad. He laughed and said they only talk about how much I have influenced them to keep jogging and such. Another THRILL for Bill!

My point here is not to brag. My point is to mention again, that we make impressions on lots of people and do not even know it. Some of these impressions are good , some not so good. We shape other people and they shape us.

If I am honest with myself (and I am getting better at this), I will recognize the fact that there have been quite a few folks in my life that shaped me negatively and I am removing them for the shaping table. I just flat ass ain't got the time to spend on someone that wants to drag me in a direction I don't want to go.

My fat loss journey is like that also. I have read some blogs written by people that have succeeded and some that are struggling. Some I continue to read and relate to. Some I don't read any more because they sound like a cry baby having a pity party.Even some of the folks that have managed to lose a bunch make all kinds of excuses for the bumps in the road. I guess it is natural to whine, I know I have done my share, but dat gum,no one likes a cry baby.

See ya down the road, go out and shape some body.

Pearl of Wisdom from the Mind of WEL
Little boys playing with Barbies and Paper Dolls ain't so bad, didn't hurt me none.


  1. I can't remember you playing with Barbies and Paper Dolls, but I can remember you now getting along with frogs too well.

  2. Ha
    I remember cutting clothes for my paper dolls out of the Sears catalog.My my, how times have changed.


  3. HOW ABOUT PLAYING IN SAND BOX WITH 2 girls next door.
    BUT what a MAN he grew up to be!!!
    Doing good young man. KEEP UP THE POSITIVE ATTITUDE!!!

  4. You didn't cut any paper dolls out of the Sears catalog. You are not old enough for that. We could buy paper dolls when we were kids, but I don't think they had them for guys.
