Tuesday, October 11, 2011

They bloomed

Howdy from the land of wet sand and cool evenings!

Yes sir, we got a rain Sunday! We were blessed with a strong 2 inches of water falling from the sky, I know it was rain, I had seen it before when I was younger.Grandpa always said "it rains on the just and the un-just alike", I wonder which I am?

Me and Janet went to a little mini class reunion of hers.She graduated the year after I did and we have a pot slew of mutual friends. She has seen most of these folks last year but I had not seen many of them in 30+ years.

Man oh man some of them really bloomed!

It is strange how when you go thru life gaining 6-10 pounds each year you don't shock people that you see everyday. But when you see them after 35 years and they are twice the size of the last time you spoke to them, it becomes an eye opener.

I also noticed the bigger we are the more medical problems and drug prescriptions we have to talk about when we get together.

As someone that has BLOOMED and decided to start pruning myself before it was too late it is sad to know what lies in store for some of these friends.

I was once told "save yourself, you can't save the world". Maybe this is true but it is hard to watch someone that is morbidly obese and not want to try and help them change directions.It is easier after all to tell someone else what they should do than to change myself.

Well, I guess I can keep working on myself and maybe someone will notice and think "if that blind hog can find an acorn, I can too".

See ya down the road!Honk when ya go by!

Oh yea, 2 laps at 28 pounds on the track today!!

Pearl of Wisdom from the Mind of WEL
Private Property Rights is the basis for freedom and prosperity.


  1. Hey Bill!

    I can comment again, lol! I've seen the same thing over the years with the people i know. I hope you can do it. I noticed recently that someone I have given eating advice to and he didn't follow it had lost 65 pounds and then has gained 35 of them back. I can't save anybody either unless I can get my hands on them. Advice to most is like the winds of Texas :-)

  2. Dr.J
    I can do it, I have faith,momentum and imagination!
    AND some damn good friend in the world to send me encouragement.
    your Pal
