Tuesday, November 8, 2011

5 week , count down on

Howdy from the land of fall northers and approaching holidays!

Yes sir , the holiday season is just around the corner. With it comes all kinds of challenges to those of us that battle with too much weight and excess fat.
All is not lost in this war, we can use plenty of good sense strategies to at least stay even thru this time of the year.

I think the most important idea to use during this time of the year, is to keep THINKING.If I can keep the end goal in mind and THINK about the choices I make, it will be OK.

My biggest problem takes place when I get lazy and quit THINKING.

On another note,with the time change I now have to adjust some exercise routines. As I get home when it is dark, there is not as good a chance to do much around the place.I am trying to get a little more time in at lunch walking and I am trying to ride my bike on the weekends.

Although my quad is getting stronger in my right leg, I want to continue to improve my muscle tone before the next go around takes place.

Anyone have any ideas on ways to get thru the holiday season , let me know.And YES I already know ---just don't over eat or don't eat the pie!!

Pearl of Wisdom from the Mind of WEL
There would be less cancer in the world if more folks burped and farted more---that stuff just got to get out!


  1. Bill, my good friend! One little tip that I usually use during the holidays is to make sure that I get a second serving. I know this may sound counter-productive, but instead of loading my plate up on the first trip around, I make sure that I get enough food the first time around that may, or may not, leave me with a little room for seconds. Also, I'm pretty good at determining what dessert (and how much) I'm going to have in advance! I've also eaten a piece of fruit and drank a glass of water an hour or so before the feasting would start ;) I hope these help my friend and keep up with your rehab ...

  2. Hey Bill,

    Depends on what kind of pie! I guess one could suggest that the menu include stuff you don't like but you know others do... kind of do unto them so you don't do unto you. :)

    I like Muata's advice. I cannot really give advice as I struggle with this every year.

    The wife and I are trying to stay the course and have one fling a month... this and next month's fling is Thanksgiving and Christmas.

    Glad to hear the knees are going good!

  3. Muata, great to hear from you. I like the hints,especially the fruit and water idea.A friend told me today she drinks a cup of hot chicken broth. Seems the warm liquid helps her feel real full.

    Thanks again, see ya someday.

  4. John, Thanks for the shout Buddy!
    It does seem to be an uphill climb each year.
    The knees are getting better , whether they like it are not--LOL

  5. Jody offered this,Bill:


    I saw a wild turkey yesterday. It looked like the Thanksgiving thing we've bred AFTER everyone has eaten :-)
