Thursday, August 20, 2009

Tools of the Trade are GOOD

Howdy from the land of nail guns and claw hammers!!

From a fella that has used tools most of his adult life I can tell you the proper tool is damn important to the success of any project.

I learned a tremendous amount from my Grandpa about tools and when/how to use the correct one. I also learned a lot from a man named Art about the best tools for pipe and iron work.Sadly, both these men are no longer on this earth and I miss them both.

The lessons taught and learned are still here and are still being used. What does this have to do with fat loss? A bunch from my point of view.

Today, a co-worker asked about my Caltrac. I explained where I got it and how it works. I also tried to explain how important it was to me and my journey ( I tend to get a little preachy).

I feel like the fat loss journey I have been on has been made easier by using the TOOLS OF THE TRADE.One is the Caltrac , another the food scale and still another is the food journal. Each has an important place in my journey.

The Caltrac has given me a method to see just how many calories I burn on any given day.It also gives me the base line on how many calories I need to consume to maintain, gain or lose weight.There is no guessing on these figures with the Caltrac.

The Food Scale has made me aware of just how many calories different foods have in them and how much I can eat without realizing it.For an example, I can eat a whole link of sausage by myself (we make our own and it is good)----calories--around 1800.But by using this TOOL OF THE TRADE I now know I should take a 4" piece for lunch and I can be satisfied and keep my lunch around 600 calories.

The Journal helps me plan, track and review where I have been and where I am going on my fat loss journey.Without the journal my trip would not be near as rewarding. I can go back and look at times and places and see where I kicked ass and where I reverted to the dark side. I make notes to myself along the way and learn about myself in my reviews.

Could I have come this far along the fat loss highway without the TOOLS? Certainly, but it is easier and more efficient with them. You can build a house or a barn with nothing but a hand saw and a hammer but it is easier with an electric skill saw and a nail gun.

If you are contemplating a fat loss journey, set yourself up to succeed and get some TOOLS of The TRADE.

Pearl of Wisdom from the mind of WEL
Don't judge folks by their relatives.

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