Thursday, July 8, 2010

Part time?

Howdy from the land of bitter weeds and bull nettles!

I could not read when I was to start the third grade. Damn the rotten luck! I had the same teacher for the first and second grades and I guess she had a hard time teaching a smart ass brat to read when he would rather catch lizards and pill bugs.

I remember Mom getting some phonics records----no young folks , not cd's not online not even tapes----records, vinyl, 45's I think.Anyway, my older sisters worked with me all summer so I could try and catch up and move into third grade. I am still trying to catch up with my reading skills.

At 56 years old, I like to read 100 times more than I did at 20.I get a lot from reading stuff that I never dreamed I would be interested in. That is one thing that has really helped my journey in the Land of Lard Ass Reduction.I get a lot of information from reading other blog spots.I get a lot from reading other folks methods of fat loss.I get to think about how this will work for me and how it won't.

Today, I was reading the AntiJared's post and he said something to the effect that he was not doing weight loss "Part Time". Now that got me to thinking.

This year I have only been working at this journey part time----like maybe 80% of the time. In 2009 I was working at it around 96%. the biggest difference between the two amounts is ---in 2009 even at 96% I was able to lose a good amount of FAT. This year at 80% I am not losing nearly enough because I don't have as much to lose.

So,if I stay at this only 80% of the time, I will never reach my goal of losing 100 pounds of lard.I got to step it up and get out of "PART TIME" and back into "Full Time"-----part time is for retirement.

Pearl of Wisdom from the Mind of WEL
Ya can't get it , ya can't stay.


  1. Bill,

    My friend, don't fall for the "more" is better trap. The truth of the matter is that NO ONE can focus on fat loss or strength building 100% of the time unless they are an athlete, no matter what you read on these weight loss blogs. And even athletes cycle their training depending on their goals.

    There are going to be parts of your journey when you can't focus 100% on your fat loss, and that's fine. Sometimes, life is coming at us so fast that the best thing to focus on is maintaining the lost fat. In our pursuit of losing more, we can forget that the problem for most obese folks is that they can't maintain what they've lost.

    Don't beat yourself up Bill over how much you didn't lose so far this year. Just sit back and determine how much time and effort you can put into losing right now, set a 2-3 month plan and go for it. Afterwards, work on maintaining your losses for another 2-3 months before you start another fat loss cycle.

    "Slow and steady" not only wins the race, but it helps to ensure that you'll keep the fat off ....

  2. Good advice, great to hear from you.It is easy to get the pity party started sometimes.I know it takes time but I egt to wanting it NOW.

    Thanks for the comment.
