Friday, July 30, 2010

Two sets of eyes

Howdy from the land of yearling ticks and grasshoppers!

I was listening to Old Red on the way to work. His poem was about two cowboys standing in the early morning light around the remuda. While waiting their turn to call for their mount for the day one cowboy was commenting on the negative aspects of a bay horse in the group.The other cowboy was asking if he meant the one with all the good features. The first cowboy was thinking the second was looking at a different horse. In the end each was looking at the same bay horse and seeing different things----two different sets of eyes looking at the same thing----no difference than anything we do in life.

While driving to work I got to thinking about my two sets of eyes. I have developed two different views while on my road trip. The view is still changing , I realize.

Once upon a time I was on a DIET, now I have begun to CHANGE THE WAY I EAT . At one time I would WORK OUT,EXERCISE,BUST MY ASS now I PRACTICE,PLAY,MOVE and USE CALORIES.There was a time I would CHEAT on my DIET now I eat WHAT I WANT and REALIZE WHAT I PUT IN MY MOUTH and WHAT EFFECT IT HAS ON ME.

There was a point in my life (for a long time) when I felt I DESERVED A TREAT now I realize I DAMN SURE DESERVE TO EAT BETTER and BE HEALTHIER.

Most importantly I think,for a long time I looked thru eyes that felt I had LITTLE CONTROL over my weight, now I see I am the ONLY ONE THAT HAS CONTROL.

Two sets of eyes, two points of view, I now realize------
I see it is up to me.

Pearl of Wisdom from the mind of WEL
Life is too damn short to put up with dumbasses.


  1. I like that last sentence. I have just come to a greater realization of that truth this past weekend. It has given me a peace that I am doing better.
    Keep up the good work.

  2. Two truths are 99% of the struggle--#1 calorie is king #2 it is up to me

    Thanks for the comment.
