Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The load we carry

Howdy from the land of steer roping's and buckle contests!

Mac was at a roping last weekend and we went and watched. Little Man Kolt won his first buckle when his Uncle Mac entered him up in the "pull the ribbon off the goat's tail" contest.Great fun for all the kids!Tessa has to get him a belt now!

With all the BS rhetoric in Washington about the budget we should all think about our debt. When I get to listening to these thieves we send to run our country talk about whose fault this mess is, it just makes me sick.

Two things I know for sure about DEBT is #1 credit is wonderful, when ya want something right now #2 debt has already spent the money you MIGHT make next week.

I was told one time the American people are the most optimistic people in the world---why? just look at the credit card debt we have, we are betting the farm on what we think will come in the future!

It is the same with the Obesity problem we have. We borrow from our future so we can pig out today.We mortgage our body because we have no sense of living within our means.Instead of using our minds as we go along thru life and eating for fuel, we tend to use food as a freaking reward for everything. We never stop to consider what a load we are carrying and when the payment comes due. And rest assured the PAYMENT WILL COME DUE!

I have been trying to pay off some debts now for the better part of three years. It ain't been easy but it has been necessary.I am carrying a whole lot less load now and that is a good thing.

Stop and think about this----
Gold is the currency of Kings
Silver of Princes
Barter is of Peasants
And DEBT is the currency of Slaves

Pay now or pay latter---but pay we will.

Pearl of Wisdom from the Mind of WEL
Whimpy said "I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today" ,Popeye ate spinach.


  1. Really well spoken, Bill! You may have a future in politics, lol!

  2. I am sure glad you added the LOL.Ya can't get elected unless you lie---I mean spin the facts---LOL

