Thursday, February 12, 2009

Education came full force in September '08.

My goal for September was to lose 6 pounds of fat, gain some muscle, move more.I started the month off at 275 pounds of humble opinion wrapped up in a cowboy.

To reach my goal of moving more I walked in the pasture 3 times a week and was doing Turbulence Exercises 4 times a week. I tried to rest my knees on Wednesday. I thought I was getting plenty of exercise on the weekends with my choirs.

I was cutting my calorie intake to around 2000 calories with very little carbs 30-40 grams.By the third week of the month my legs felt dead, not sore really just dead.We had a little Hurricane around called IKE, that was a real thrill. We missed the blow here but our neighbors to the northeast in Galveston were hard hit.

I was continuing reading and researching, I re-read Ellis' Diet Secrets Light. I felt I was still missing something but could not quite put my finger on it.Around Sept.18 I decided I was not getting enough carbs and increased the amount I ate to 100-120 grams. I also settled on eating an AVERAGE of 2000 calories a day each WEEK. On days that I walked I would make sure I got in 22-2300, days I rested (no formal exercise)I would eat 17-1800 calories.

In looking back at my day book, I found a few of interesting points--#1 the walking did not hurt my knees MORE but no less #2 my legs quit feeling dead 3 days after I bumped up the carbs to 100g #3 I cooked rib eye steak and baked potatoes in the last week and without thinking about it before hand , cut the steak and potato in half for supper. I saved the rest for another meal----what a damn good concept---PORTION CONTROL----crap I was really learning something.

I finished off the month at 269 pounds of lovably wonder, at 54 years old, I was beginning to feel like a fawn in the forest of life.LOL, but I hit my goal for the month right in the mouth.

More another day.

Pearl of Wisdom from the mind of WEL
There are no free lunches,you will pay someday.