Monday, February 9, 2009

Janet has told in ---no encouraged me to start a blog, because of how much several blogs have inspired me. If there is ever anyone besides me that reads this and is motivated---I just got off the treadmill and thought I would post another PEARL for today----------
"Get up off your ass and do something worthwhile for yourself and the people around you."
More another day.


  1. I like that one. Simply just get up off your ass. Some worthwhile shouldn't be too hard *nods*

  2. Thanks, you are my first comment.Yes i like things simple, real truth and the journey to Fat Loss,USA doesn't have to be that difficult.

    Thanks again for your thoughts.

  3. You are most welcome. Sometimes nothing works better than the simple, real and the truth. I learnt a valuable lesson about truth this week and the blogs online are so full of great advice. I guess weightloss is as difficult as you make it.
