Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Lieing to yourself ain't all bad

I have had a couple of real smart people tell me that my fat loss story would help motivate someone else to start their journey. I think they may have been right.I have also had two comments in the past few weeks that went"I just can't seem to control what I eat,I feel like I will never be able to do what you did".

I have said before I ain't no politician---that statement is pure horse shit. It just all depends on how you look at things.If what I am doing is not working then I need to change what I am doing OR accept where I am. The second option is not the best one----if all else fails , tell yourself a LIE.

Some people that know me think I'm a little weird--LOL--if they only knew!!

Some lies are not bad, some are good for you. I have gone into the bathroom,closed the door so no one can see the weirdo.Then I look at myself in the mirror,then look up at the ceiling, hold my hands out like money is falling from the ceiling and repeat "I Love My Job" over and over. I have said I deserve to be happy, I deserve to be thinner, I Can Do This!! And if you tell yourself these lies enough times you will come to believe it---just like I did when I would lie to myself about not being able to lose weight.

This trip I am on is as much a mental journey as a physical one.No one ever told me I could not lose fat but me.No one ever convinced me I could lose fat but me.

Oh sure people would tell me I could/should lose weight but no one CONVINCED me but me. No on can do it for me, all I had to do was lie a little bit in the beginning and there I go, down the fat loss road.

Now granted, if I lie to myself about starting my journey Tomorrow, then the lie is bad. The trick is to lie to yourself for the positive.

It has been said that 1 of 3 people will have some mental issues in their life time. Well I looked at the person on my right and then on my left, they looked OK so maybe it is was time to look at me.

Pearl of Wisdom from the mind of WEL
A good free Cowboy peice of advice-start your journey, tell yourself a little lie, tell yourself the truth in the end, just start.Travel with me--- I CAN.


  1. It is definitely a mental journey too. I am learning so much about me it is very scary.

  2. I agree, keep learning--knowledge is power.
