Monday, March 23, 2009

Mountain Movement

Well, it is Monday and i am back to work. Man am I ever glad I have something to do.

Five of us went to the mountains of west Texas and chased Aoudad sheep for a week. We had a good trip with no mishaps and only one near miss--large rattlesnake VS small leg---snake missed--now that is a good thing.I asked everyone sitting around the camp fire one night what they thought the poor folks were doing.Everyone said --working. Not me, I felt the poor folks were the ones sitting some where feeling sorry for themselves. I never had much money but I have always been rich, just sometimes I forget that fact.

I wore my Caltrak while I was "vacationing" and was surprised to see that I was averaging around 3700 calories a day burned.I did not write down my food but I did notice I ate in moderation 95% of the time. I weighed 3 pounds more on Monday morning than when I left the week before on Friday. Typically I will be 3-4 heavier on Sunday night or Monday morning VS the previous Thursday. I felt good about the week and my knees felt pretty good except coming down off a mesa---no cushion in them knees makes for a pain when I come down hill.

I walked the 2 1/2 miles at lunch with my 20 pound pak and it felt real good. So we are back in the routine.I am planning on stepping up the Body Weight exercises after this week.

I better go catch up on more paper work.Keep moving---it's like milk---it does the body good.

Pearl of Wisdom from the mind of WEL
Ya can't hit the ball, if ya don't swing the damn bat.


  1. Kudos on the walking and with a 20 pound pack. My body let out a little scream when reading that.

  2. I found it was not as hard as it seemed, when I started. Now it feels wrongs not to carry some weight.
    Great to hear from you, keep moving,A-MER-I-CAN !

  3. Texas has mountains? I never knew this. :)
