Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Man whatacompliment!!

Ever day when I go walk at lunch, with my Full Pak Trac, there are several people walking and running. Over the months everyone of them have been very supportive and encouraging to me. None are more encouraging than Andy. He is a runner, built like a gazelle. He runs so effortlessly I don't even hear him come up behind me.

Today Andy gave me a nice compliment when he passed me. After I got back I sent him an email thanking him for all his encouragement. Andy sent me back the nicest compliment in return. He wanted me to know the lunch crowd on the track were all inspired by my journey and I encouraged them to continue walking and running when they did not feel like it.

Hot damn!! I can not tell you how much this short note means to me.I have had numerous people in my life that had a lot of influence on how I turned out. I never really let most of them know that they had a great effect on me.What a shame.

It is like the ripples you make when you throw a rock into the pond. You can throw in it one side and the ripples will spread and finally reach the other side.You just never know how much we effect others.

I should spend more time letting people know when their ripples have a positive effect.

Thanks Andy & and to all the Lunch Track Team.

Pearl of Wisdom from the mind of WEL
It is better to give someone an award for their good deeds now, than after they are dead.


  1. well said. *nods*
    I kinda did that today on my blog. It is good to show how much you appreciate the people that help.

  2. Yes we all need to say what we feel before it is too late.
