Thursday, October 29, 2009

What a mess

Howdy from the land of house upgrades and mess up to clean ups!!

Well it has been a busy week. We have been upgrading around the house, you know with the new millennium and all.We decided to put in a water softener and that lead to cleaning out the pump house and that lead to a big mess in the yard which lead to more work and more mess. But it is done and we now have soft water.

Since this week has been so busy and my routine has been so crazy (you know I like my routine)so I decided I would try a little experiment.I have not written down what I have been eating this week and I have not weighed this week.I am trying to maintain where I was at the end of last week. I will weigh again Monday morning and see where I am at.

Now this is just a short term experiment because I am not near ready for maintenance , I have a long ways to go before that points comes.However , I thought it would be good to see how I do.

I'll keep you posted as to the outcome.

Pearl of Wisdom from the mind of WEL
You can just put off your wife so long, then ya need soft water.


  1. How long is "so long"? 30 years is a lot longer than "so long"!!!!!

  2. Thanks for the comment, 30 years is not too long if ya live with the right one, but it is a long time to do without soft water. If We fellers would just listen to our wives----the world would be a better place.

    A Cowboy from Texas
