Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Making do

Howdy from the land of renewed focus and sore shoulders!

This weight loss trip can damn sure be humbling.I want the trip over now,I want the weight to leave now, I want the skin to tighten up NOW!!

But it don't work like that.

Now I have never been accused of being a real patient feller. In fact , I have about as much patience as a water fall on most things.I am however doing better with my fat loss journey.I have accepted the fact that my completed journey will never really be over. I will need to think about my food choices and calorie burning the rest of my life.I am OK with that.

One reason I am OK with thinking and burning calories is I am gonna get stronger and stronger as time goes on. I will feel better and be able to do more as time goes on----watch out Superman!!I may be able to jump tall buildings one day---LOL

The past few weeks I have been looking at my BWE and thinking about a way to bump up my calorie burn during the day. I thought about doing a few more push ups 3-4 times a day at work.I then thought I did not want to do too much of any one exercise for fear that I would then burn out on that method. I felt it would be better to find a different exercise to add to my routine.One that my knees would accept. I keep going back to Muata talking about resistance training with sandbags and dumb bells.

I thought about going to Academy and buying some dumb bells to bring to work. I did not want to spend any money and my office is really a storage closet so space is limited.

Then I remembered something my old Grandpa used to tell me. Now Burdette was a smart man and he is one of three men in my life I use as an example of a GOOD MAN.I place a lot of stock in the life lessons he let me see and evaluate. Anyhow, he used to tell me "content yourself" "make do with what you got".

So , Monday after I got back from my Full Pak Trac at lunch I slung my 40 pound weighted vest in it's corner of my office (closet) and sat down thinking about this dumb bell thing and wham!!I said to myself "myself there lies a 40 pound dumb bell".

So I have added a new routine during the day. I close the door for a few minutes,I bend over hold onto the vest,while straightening up I lift it to my waist and then over my head, back to my waist,then to the floor--25 times. It might not sound like a lot to the body builder guys but it works me pretty good. I did it twice during the afternoon Monday. My goal is to do it 4 times a day by weeks end.

It is fun to do , makes me more active and it must be burning some calories because my shoulders are sore today.

So here I go down the road, the end is way out there but the real benefit is looking at the scenery while on a road trip.Come travel with me , point out the highlights as we go down the road.

Pearl of Wisdom from the mind of WEL
Poor folks got poor ways---man oh man ---I miss that old man.

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