Monday, July 27, 2009

A Streetcar named Desire

Howdy from the land of dusty fields and gold fish ponds!!

We have had a gold fish pond for about a year. Just an old tin cattle trough with 4 gold fish and 3 koi.Well this summer we decided we would get a bigger one and move the fish.We did and it gets more sun and it grew more algae. The water turned green and we have struggled for 2 months to try to get it clear.We kept researching and asking questions and educating ourselves until---wham---clear water.

Now we can see the bottom on the pond and watch the fish swim around. It is really nice.I have always enjoyed water.We even have some baby fish.

What does this have to do with fat loss? The desire---we had the desire to have a nice pond.It did not just happen, it did not come right out of the box or thru the drive in window.From the desire came research and education. From that came the way we worked toward the clear water. Then came the goal, a pretty nice pond that is fun to see.

Call the problem,ask for the solution,devise the method, achieve the answer.

Fat loss it the same, I guess most everything we do can follow the same steps.

My fat loss streetcar is named DESIRE.The method I have devised is my cross to bear. But I will tell anyone out there, the journey is well worth the effort. The results , while apparent for others to see,are for me.Without me feeling the way I do about this trip, I can not be the person others need me to be.

While this trip has had it's ups and downs, if I go back and look at every Thursday in my day book or every 3rd.Monday in my day book I see a steady fat loss. Sometimes it is not as much as I wanted but some loss was there.

Get on the streetcar with me , you know you should and I know you can. Hell I got on so any body can.

Pearl of Wisdom from the mind of WEL
Life is simpler if ya plow around the stump.

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