Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Life in the fast lane

Howdy from the land of good intentions and folks with problems!

I wonder why we fly down the road of life in such a damn big hurry.We all want what we want right now!We get in such a rush to get to the next stop sign that we miss seeing the man on the side of the road in purple underwear!!

Crap, folks slow down!

We need to take a good long look at the world around us. I need to take a good long look at myself. If I want something different in my life ,I got to fix ME.

Our country is going down the road to Hell as fast as a speeding train and all we can do is grab a cell phone and stop at the drive thru window for another 1200 calorie meal.

I am a firm believer in that , without self improvement there is gonna be no community improvement.We all have good intentions but most of us fall a little short on implementation.

Now , I hope this post does not sound like a sermon but there is a reason for my insanity.My boss' wife had a double bypass heart surgery 6-7 weeks ago. This week she is #1 on the regional heart transplant list---she is not 40 years old, they have 3 boys under the age of 10!Their priorities have changed since New Years Day.

This post has less to do with fat loss and more to do with self improvement but I think it is important for us to remind ourselves who and what is important while we fly down the fast lane-----health, life,and someone to love is all we get---the rest is calf slobber. Don't know what in the hell I'm talking about do ya? It is kinda like a coconut cream pie----ya got to have a HEALTHY crust to hold the pie together and the LIFE of the pie is the coconut cream , that is what ya really LOVE. The meringue on top is just calf slobber( that white foam around a calf's mouth when he has been sucking)---looks white and sweet but ya really don't need it if you have the rest of the pie.

Get your priorities in line, take time to look at yourself and the world. Slow down a little , the fast lane is dangerous.

Pearl of Wisdom from the mind of WEL
We live in the land of the free because of the brave.


  1. Where in the world do you get this stuff? I can't imagine what must go on in your head. Most of it a agree with but the way you word your comments if amazing - calf slobber????

    I agree on the crazy drivers - most of them are in pickups too!

  2. I don't know where it all comes from----I guess some weird universe inside my head---LOL

  3. I am going strong on the elliptical every morning but maybe one. I feel great too. Wierd dreams though.
