Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Thoughts on Restrictions and Connections

Howdy from the land of sore muscles and impatient patients!

I have just about as much patience as a waterfall. I don't know what I expected from the little retrofit but I am sure tired of fighting these sore calf muscles.

I was thinking about the comments on my last post and how this rag sheet is another way for folks to make connections with like minded people.Just think in 2011 how easy it is for a Cowboy in Texas to find a Doctor in Florida and a Professor in California that can connect with a Kick Boxing Man about fat loss.Will wonders never cease to amaze me!!

On the good side of the journey are the connections I make with folks that have taken this walk and failed and succeeded.The ones that admit they took a wrong turn and the ones that stayed close to the narrow trail.Notice I did not say the ones that never took a wrong turn---I get skeptical of those folks----their either the exception to the rule or a liar. But a connection is a connection , good or bad. We are all connected in our quest.

I was also thinking about the restrictions we place in our way.Restrictions like parties,holidays,surgeries and all the stuff we impose on ourselves.The simple damn excuses we use to take a break or just procrastinate.

I am after all my own worst enemy.

And finally, the thought entered my mind that the most success I can hope for is to use the Connections I find to help overcome the Restrictions I throw down in front of me.

See ya down the road

Pearl of Wisdom from the Mind of WEL
(from Bo Porter)Bury in on a Sunday, don't wait until the Monday.I don't want to start the new week feeling dead.


  1. Really well said, Bill!

    I have a good friend, a psychology professor, who once wisely said, "Everyone is fighting some battle!"

    Some battles are easier to observe than others but we all face them.

  2. Hey Bill!

    I'm using the stock market as my excuse. :)

    Well my weight loss has looked like it recently. I lose for a while and then I gain it back. No worries as I am still in the game.

    The thing is - it is not really an excuse but sometimes life gets in the way for a time. But after taking stock and readjusting - it should all be surmountable.

  3. Dr.J
    Yes sir we each have a cross to bear.

    Get er done! Never weaken!
