Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A sign of growth??

Just a short post today.

Go to Mrlowbodyfat, Muata has a good clip from the Family Guy, great stuff, simple truth.

My co-workers had a chocolate cake yesterday in our office. There was a time (just a few months ago) when the mere fact that it was in our office would have gnawed on me like a dog with a bone. I would have looked at it and smelled it and thought about it until I ate it--well a lot of it maybe not all of it!

Yesterday , I looked at it and my first thought was "I bet it ain't as good as Janet's cake". Today , my only thought , damn that cake lasts longer now than it use to would.

Is this a sign??

Pearl of Wisdom from the mind of WEL
It is far better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you are stupid , than to open it and remove all doubt.


  1. I don't like cake so yay. Things like that never bother me. Pizza gets me though...

  2. Hi Bill,
    Yes, I think that is a very good sign that you have more will power. Good for you and wishing you more success with your health goals. Have a great day! :-)

  3. Robin,
    Thanks so much for your comment and encouragement.
