Howdy from the land of thundershowers and smelling diapers!
We took Little Man, Kolt on a road trip this weekend and had a swell time. He got to visit his Uncle Mac and see the Fort Worth Stockyard District.The pic included is Little Man and my squeeze Janet.
I have been really tired the last month. Tired of walking, tired of joints hurting, tired of my damn neck having a pinched nerve. I guess my age is really catching up to me because it takes for ever to get over being sore or pulling a muscle.
I have also gotten really tired and burned out over my Fat Loss Journey. I think a lot of this attitude I have comes from being sore and uncomfortable and also the heat of August. I do look forward to some cooler weather.But part of my poor attitude comes from the disconnect between how long this journey takes and how long I want this journey to take.
I know and fully realize it took me 54 years to get to 305 pounds----well maybe not that long, because I had been right around 305 for a couple of years. And I accept the fact that it will take me years to completely change my life style and my habits.But knowing these facts , sometimes does not satisfy my impatient desire to get it all over and become the rock hard ,chiseled , Greek sculptured example of manliness that I dream about----LOL----but that was a good big Crock of Cold Cat Crap!
Bottom line is I get tired of the uphill walk sometimes. Old Habits are hard to break I guess.And I can't help but tell myself-----I wish I was over there already!
But like Momma always said--wish in one hand and spit in the other, then see which one gets filled first.
I am tired, I have been tired before, I will be tired again.Sometimes,in spite of all the good intentions and knowing all the facts ,figures and formulas the eggs just ain't worth the wear and tear on the chickens ass.
In times like that, I just got to slow down and regroup and quit wishing.
One day soon a cool north wind will blow and my attitude will change.
Pearl of Wisdom from the Mind of WEL
If wishes were horses,beggars would ride.