Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Back space

Howdy from the land of Full Pak Trac and heavy boots!

Yesterday was a better day on the track than last week.My feet did not feel as heavy and my knees were at least tolerable.I opted for 2 laps just to see if last week was just a mean week or if I really needed to back off a little.

I will make sure this week that I eat a little something an hour before I walk so I have enough fuel in my tank. Today I had a little peanut butter and trisquits.

I have noticed over the past two years some of my habits are changing , without me really being aware of it.I don't drive around in the parking lot at the store looking for a close to the front parking space. There are plenty of spaces near the street. Also, I usually get to work early and the parking lot is half empty. Now I just cruise on in and park in the back space. I get to burn a few more calories on the way inside AND I get to stretch my legs a little while getting into the building.

I believe it is about time to walk across the street and see what a wonderful day looks like on the track.

Turns out the day was overcast and sprinkling. I wonder if ya burn more calories if the rain hits ya while you walk?

Pearl of Wisdom from the Mind of WEL
Whistle while you walk, it makes you feel good.


  1. Great post Bill! Keep listening to your body and make adjustments as needed. Oh, and one of the main reasons that you've maintained your losses is because of the "small" changes you've made over the years, such as parking farther away, etc. I think you'll find this post interesting:


  2. Thanks Buddy

    I already looked at the link you sent me.It will be interesting reading.Man, sometimes all this "brain feeding" makes me dizzy---LOL

    Great stuff---learn ,listen ,get er done!!

  3. LOL! That's the great thing about patience ... you get to learn at your own pace. And, sometimes my pace is pretty slow on the uptake ;) Honestly, I'm just now understanding some of the things that I initially read "years" ago!

  4. SIMPLE!! I need SIMPLE!!

    I wonder how many calories "understanding" burns?

    A Cowboy from Texas

  5. Not nearly enough unfortunately ;)
