Thursday, September 3, 2009

And the "I"s have it

Howdy from the land of western swing and camp fire songs!

When I was in high school I was part of the FFA.One thing I learned from this experience was a good bit of parliamentary procedures. I always remember the phrase "And the "aye"s have it and the motion carries". It is just stuck in my library of memories.However, being from Texas and rural Texas at that we pronounced "aye" ---"I"-----the "I"s have it and the motion carries.

Either way you say it the meaning is the same ---positive vote, yes,we can,we should,we will.

As I ease down my fat loss highway I have discovered several "aye" votes I have made:
I can eat better.
I can eat less.
I can move more and gain strength.
I can feel better about myself.
I will continue to learn.
I can gain muscle and I will lose fat.
I agree that "calorie" is the King.
I have discovered a load of crap is shown on TV about weight loss.
I realize some of the best fat loss advice is freely given, by folks that have been there and done that.
I have learned to seek out success stories of others and don't waste time with the ones that vote "nay".
I can add more motion to my movement as long as it is gradual and consistent.
I can practice my motion and burn calories anywhere,I don't need a gym.
I can get to where I want to be on this journey-------and will.

If you think you would like to lose some fat, call for a vote.Let me know and I'll vote "I"-----you should too, "I" did.See less of you down the road!

Pearl of Wisdom from the mind of WEL
Good judgement comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgement.

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